Santo Stefano Quisquina

fontanaSanto Stefano Quisquina (Zip Code 92020) is 76 Km. distant from Agrigento, the province it belongs to, 110 Km. from Caltanissetta, 224 Km. from Catania, 136 Km. from Enna, 320 Km. from Messina, 95 Km. from Palermo, 212 Km. from Ragusa, 293 Km. from Siracusa, 194 Km. from Trapani.

chiesamadreThe municipality counts  5.640 inhabitants, its surface measures 8.592 hectares, and its population density is of 66 inhabitants per square kilometre. It rises on an internal mountain area, 732 meters above the sea-level.

Situated on a land rich of water springs, Santo Stefano Quisquina boasts a conspicuous production of olives, cereals, citrus fruits, almonds, and honey.

Cattle breeding and sheep farms are remarkable, and the deriving diary products can be tasted during the annual Cheese Festival, held in the month of May. The local typical handicraft production includes wooden, wrought iron, and aluminum objects.

Since its origins, the town’s name was Santo Stefano, and the appositive “Quisquina” was added because of the homonymous mountain’s proximity.

The suburb was founded approximately in 1300, during the reign of Federico II of Aragona, and belonged to lord Giovanni Caltagirone.

formaggiimagesAfterwards, it was bestowed to nobleman Ruggero Sinisi. In 1396, the town was acquired by the Larcan family, who ruled until the XVI century. The town’s last lords were the Ventimiglia, who reigned until the abolition of feudality.

The most outstanding monuments are the Sanctuary of S. Rosalia alla Quisquina erected in 1760, and the XVI century Chiesa Madre dedicated to S. Nicola di Bari, that preserves a wooden engraved Crucifix.

Noteworthy are also the urban architectures, such as the Palazzo Baronale dei Ventimigliadated 1745, and the marvelous XVII century Fountain situated in piazza Castello.